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March 12-19th 2020
Kingston Jamaica
Awakening the Kingdom Tour/Book-signing
April 9-23rd 2020
Johannesburg South Africa
Faith Emancipation International Ministries
Dr. Moses Kingsly
March 23, 20199
Kingdom Inpowerment Tour DC
Holiday Inn Washington-Capitol
550 C Street SW
Washington, DC 20024
November 17, 201919
Kingdom Inpowerment Tour VA.
Crowne Plaza Marina
Hampton, Va.
7 p.m.
September 6
It AINT Over! Revival is here!
Bounce Back
Online Revival
WATCH online
or come be apart of the live studio audience
arrive at the studio no later than 2:30 p.m.
Host: Denise Williams
Fab Studios
6254 Memorial Drive, Suite H
Stone Mountain, Ga. 30083
August 15
Bold Ministries International
Youth Conference
~P. U. S. H.~
222 White Street
Moncks Corner, SC
7:30 p.m.
Host Pastor|
Apostle Dr. Norman Armstrong
October 1-6
"FRESH, FIRE" Conference
211 Main Street
Johannesburg, South Africa
Prophet Moses Kingsly
Tongues of Fire Christian Centre
May 17
"Spring to Life Women's Conference & Retreat"
Chateau `Elan
Braselton, Ga.
M.E. Porter
Motivationally ME
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